Look before you seat.

There are times when you get chills in your body just thinking of doing something like this. Only a villain would do that. You can imagine the contents of the syringe, poison, drugs……Euuuuu! The sight of this is so disgusting, making you cringe thinking about the intentions of the villain, which to him is just normal!
Stories behind our matatus and bus that we use here in Kenya might make you think twice boarding them. Few of these pictures and stories might make you go mad, here are a few such that will surely make your mind and heart go crazy. 

This is happening to innocent ladies.

A lady being drugged, or she could be innocently sleeping and she is robbed of her property, before she knows it's happening.
Some buses having loud music and have their windows tinted increasing chances of ladies and men being drugged, or rapped and even robbed.
This could be a story of a lady being drugged without anyone or people in the vehicle noticing,she 
later falls prey to Villains.

There is 80% chance, when you board a public transport you don't know most of the people in it. So don't open your life to them, be conscious and alert and know what is happening around you. She could be fellow lady but she is not your friend.

A colleague of mine once encountered an innocent, she could not judge if it was an innocent act or not. Where she had boarded a bus and a lady came and sat next to her. Just minutes into the journey the lady went into her purse and took out two sweets, unwrapped one and offered the other to her, she could not refuse but neither did she eat the sweet till she left the bus. To her even though the lady looked like she was offering her something innocently negative thoughts kept flocking her mind.

But all i can say being conscious is important, put yourself first. Let people think you paranoid but better be safe but regret later. Check out this stories of Innocent Kenyan ladies falling prey on Villains in matatus.

Anita Nderu's story.

Anita Nderu,a radio presenter at Capital FM fell victim to sexual harassment. She has been harassed twice in a matatu and once in a taxi and from the tone of her voice to her it's still very vivid in her mind, making her think twice before she boards a matatu or a bus.

Not everyone would have the courage to open up, since instead of our society listening to our cries they judge. Anita Nderu a renowned journalist in our country, opened most people eyes. Her story is relate-able to most ladies.

Robbery In broad day light

Watching ItsKatitiAndKith Show on YouTube sharing their story on how they almost got robbed not at night but broad daylight. The story is hilarious but it's true if it has never happened to you, you definitely cannot relate to this or rather think it happens.

Besides this sometimes people are drugged or kidnapped in matatus by fellow passengers disguised and later driven in a bush or in abandoned palaces just to be robber and worse of all rapped. There is certainly no shortage of fear when it comes to our public transport. Di-spite all these stories we still board this public vehicles to work, when we go visit our friends but since we are enlighten by these stories, or witness them we became more conscious and vigilant at all times.
