7.Things women expect you to understand after the baby

Something changes after child birth, I can attest to that:

  • I could get so emotional, I remember tearing up (tears of joy) looking at my baby and am like it’s a handsome creature God has given me. The love you get to have between you and your new born is just on another level, nobody can explain or relate if he or she has never experienced it.
  • I got overwhelmed with the attention I had to give my older child, husband and my new baby, that I never new how to balance. My beautiful older child is now 8 and she still needed to whisper something in my ear, tells me her endless stories about her friends I mean she just needs a lot of attention. Not forgetting my husband who still wants you to be a wife.
  • I had sleepless nights, since the baby could constantly cry. When you see him quiet and you put him down you put him down to sleep, it feels like an achievement. And on the brighter side I got to bond with my baby all through, everyday as I looked at him am just thank full to the Almighty God.
  • Getting angry most of the time at my husband since he was not going through what I was going through,never made me feel guilty since I got an excuse of a his two weeks maternity leave was already over and was already at work, he even slept through the night with an excuse of going to work the next day.
  • I never found time for my husband, no more date nights, no more movie nights and even cooking together which we really enjoyed doing together.
Despite all these my husband:

  • Was patient, respected me and still loved me like never before.
  • He was constantly and he still is thanked me for giving him such an amazing kid, 
And that I think gave me strength and most of all made me not to feel guilty.
